Thursday, January 26, 2006

New stepping stone

At last, after much anticipation, new comp called to confirm their offer to me. I can feel myself grinning. I took up the offer without missing a beat.

On a sadder note, handing in my resignation letter was harder than I imagine. I guess I've grown accustomed to the the easy, quite flexible time-table with 8hours of free internet access.

But I know, I shall not procastinate no more. I handed in my resignation letter stating my service ends on end of February. They counter offer. I told them NO.

"is not about the money anymore."

I know I made the right decision.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I am still wallowing in self pity.

Been dying to toss the letter on my smirking GM's table, maybe he thought he successfully persuaded me to give them another year,another chance for them to prove that they could afford me. yeah right. I am not into giving second chances buddy. Wait til I throw a huge cow of an envelope with a big 'R' to him.

hah, Do I look like I got the word dumb on my forehead. I gave you a fucking chance buddy, one year=365days=8760hours=525600minutes to prove your capability, which is obviously not as big or as capable as you made it to be.

So I shall still waste another year of my youth rotting in this shithole. think again and dream on. If i wanna sit and act ditzy for another 31 536 000 seconds, I might as well as be a civil servant or better yet join Miss Oriental Pearl = wont need to use brain,just pretty face slab on with 1inch thick of makeup and parade around in swimsuit, how hard is it to walk,smile,wave and earn money. hmm now that doesn't sound too bad.. I shall figure out how to cover my cellulite 1st.

Obviously the new boss chickened out on me after my ever-so-direct questions. reminder- fuck honesty next time, lying is the way in society now. what the hell am I going to do with the resignation letter now?whatever happen to the offer YOU made?

My hope is crumbling, his offer aka fake promise is melting into a puddle of birdshit right before my own eyes.

Shit.They still haven't call yet. Bo ho ho hoooo.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


Been stressing out, stretching my sanity to the maximun limits. I actually managed to complete the project before the deadline but . .

there's more changes. more deadlines.

Shit.Hentam kepala on the keyboard. Dying with stress, wanna just break down and shed some stress-tears but I can't and there's no point in doing that anyway, who's going to sympathise with me? except me,myself.

Even bonus and increment can't cheer me up plus what is there to be cheering about when they fucking didn't keep their promises and gave me lesser than what they promised when they were coaxing me not to leave the comp. shit.

Most depressing fact is when you just realised you've got a wussy for supervisor.
An amoeba who didn't even dare to voice out his opinion over his displeasure about the benefits he've got and he actually want yours truly, ME OKAY ME, to do it for him. What the hell does his benefit have to do with me? read this HIS BENEFIT.

someone pls torch me with matches. Pretty please.

Anyway I actually went for an interview on monday. Design firm, smaller in scale, less workers. I like. I need a change of environment. Less office politics, less fakes, less pretentious, less vomit inducing but...

they haven't call me back yet. shit. I want the job, I want, please call me back. *cross fingers. Please get me out of this dumphole. *cross all fingers and toes.ouch ouch*

Damn, I am sinking into deep blue depression. I know that for a fact because;
I am depressed. Everthing tasted like metallics, there's a permanent ache in my head.

Shit, they still haven't get back to me. shit. I wanna cry like now. Bohooo

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